Wednesday, May 7, 2014

May 5, 2014

Semana das Milagres!

This week was a week of miracles.  We had District Meeting on Tuesday and created a goal for our district of 4 companionships to baptize 25 people this month.  Our goal for our zone of 8 companionships is 30.  Our District Leader was really pumped this week to meet this goal.  He is crazy for baptisms. While we were waiting outside with Elder C, his companion, during a baptismal interview with one of our investigators this week,  Elder C told us that that morning, while he was saying his morning prayers, which are usually fairly long, he could hear and feel [our district leader] pacing the floor behind him.  When Elder C finally finished praying, [The district leader] said, "Elder C, eu acordei a 6 horas da manha e nâo consigiu dormir mais.  E eu estava pensado...Nos precisamos batizar!"   (translation: "Elder C, I woke up a 6 o' clock this morning and couldn't sleep anymore.  And I was thinking...We need to baptize!"  [Our district leader] was pumped to baptize this week so we rewarded him with the stress of 12 baptismal interviews, aka a lot of walking, a lot of sweating, a lot of stress, a lot of hectic chaos.

In the end, Sister Adriane and I helped one child of God enter the waters of baptism this week - the father of a recent convert.   At the beginning of this week, we didn't know if he was ready or could be baptized because he is old and a lot of the time doesn't understand everything we teach.  But we also knew that he had a desire to be baptized seeing that he told us he wanted to be baptized every time we asked and that baptism was a covenant he needed to make regardless of whether or not he understood everything perfectly.  At the end of the week we went through the baptismal interview questions with him and, surprisingly, he understood.  It was amazing watching him being baptized by his own son this week.  After the baptism we passed by his house later that day and saw through the door his home teachers introducing themselves to him.  It was a wonderful scene and miracle to behold.

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